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"The Observer's Book of CATS"
Pulished by
Frederick Warne & Co Ltd
There are numberless cats in Turkey, of many Colours, and with all lengths of fur. Bearing in mind the fact that one of the old names for longhaired cats was the “Angora” or “Ankara” cat, it is interesting to note that is one particular variety in Turkey today, which has an all white coat and green eye and one blue, known as the “ Ankara” cat. All white Angoras are now being breed in North America.
Another variety has a prolific long white coat, with a most distinctive auburn-coloured tail, ringed in light and dark shades. The head also bears auburn markings. The amber eyes are very large and lustrous and the nose, ears and pads are of shell pink. Although it is commonly supposed that cats dislike water, these even when young kittens, enjoy swimming both in fast-running streams and still water. Several pairs were imported into Britain and proved to breed absolutely true, so a standard are now several breeders exhibiting them at the shows.
The colour should be chalk-white with
No trace of yellow. Auburn marking on face
with white blaze. Ears should be white:
Nose tip, pads and inside ears should be a
delicate shell-pink. 35
Fur should be long, soft and silky to the roots.
No woolly undercoat. 10
Short wedge; well-feathered large ears upright and set fairly close together; long nose. 25
Shape should be round, colour should be light amber, rims should be pink-skinned. 10
Long but sturdy, legs medium in length, neat round feet with well-tufted toes. Male should be particularly muscular on neck and shoulders. 10
: Full, medium length, auburn in colour with faint auburn rings in cats, more distinct ring markings in kittens. 10
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